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"{Taylor Swift waved at a boy yesterday and he didn't wave back... So she will have a new album coming out tomorrow.} lol. good one"

"Imo the name Ivan Grozny, does not translate directly to Terrible, but more to something like manacing, threatning or fierce. The movie about his by Sergei Einstein are great. Good list!"

"I saw the devil is actually on the list :) I didnt care much for Tale of Two Sisters. Thanks for the list vote and suggestions. Ill make sure to check them out. Ive also seen Bittersweet Life and thou"

"you can add Citizen X. Pretty good actually"

"Yes, Chase is great. Glad you liked the gladiator theme, check out some more from Hans Zimmer, he got some good ones. The Black Hawk Dawn theme song, j'attends is pretty good"

"Great list. My favorite from Giorgio Moroder is "chase" from Midnight express. The amalie soundtrack by Yann Tiersen is beautiful. Another one I like is the soundtrack from Susperia. Also the Gladi"

"ok, cool list anyways. Chocolate is another movie involving an autist girl"

"What movie would you rank as your favorite from the ones you watched in 2011?"

"I see you got Oz and some other shows that I like. Have you watched "The Wire" ?"

"I agree. Curb your Enthusiasm is my favorite show of all time. Ser at du er norsk, hva synes du om at Thomas Giertsen sin CYE "remake" med "Helt Perfekt", som begynner neste uke tror jeg"

"I havent seen it, but you might want to add "Vampyr" by Carl Theodor Dreyer from 1932. Looks good."

"nice list. You should try watching "I stand alone" and "the holy mountain""

"Bale auditioned to play Robin in Batman Forever. lol. the irony"

""Dollman vs. Demonic Toys", lol. Where do you find these movies?"

"True, I agree. Its just the disturbing plot and graphic brutal sexuality that set me off. But Lars isnt famous for making "feel good" movies, so I cant tell if he choose the right movie to dedicate t"
Altså de to første episodene var gode for så vidt, men etter det ble det bare kleint... Og kleint er itte bra for en slik serie, når det blir bare kleint og det dukker opp bare dumme kommentarer i teite situasjoner..
Curb er så mye bedre på alle fronter!
From the overall number of stuff I watched this year I'd probably throw Tree of Life, Cospirators of Pleasure, Bigger than Life or Le Cercle Rouge to the #1-spot. Out of movies that came out this year, it'd be Tree of Life or Hanna.
And no, I didn't see the new episode for Always Sunny, I'm watching that one as finnish TV shows it, I think I've only seen the first three seasons thus far. I've seen the first episode of The Wire, it's something I've always had sticking out of my shelf, daring me to watch it, but I rarely get the time. My next tv show project will probably be Berlin Alexanderplatz, as I got the Criterion a while ago.
Hmmm... Vi får nå se da, om det blir noe tess, men det er ikke akkurat noe jeg kommer til å følge med på - med det første that is. Mye annet snadder jeg skal se før den serien der, for å si det sånn! :P